There is one situation I find it useful: TDD.

I write my tests, then I create stubs so the tests compile. Those stubs do nothing but throw new NotImplementedException();. This way the tests will fail by default, no matter what. If I used some dummy return value, it might generate false positives. Now that all tests compile and fail because there is no implementation, I tackle those stubs.

Since I never use a NotImplementedException in any other situation, no NotImplementedException will ever pass onto release code, since it will always make some test fail.

You don't need to catch it all over the place. Good APIs document the exceptions thrown. Those are the ones you should look for.

EDIT: I wrote an FxCop rule to find them.

This is the code:

using System;
using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk;

/// <summary>
/// An FxCop rule to ensure no <see cref="NotImplementedException"/> is
/// left behind on production code.
/// </summary>
internal class DoNotRaiseNotImplementedException : BaseIntrospectionRule
    private TypeNode _notImplementedException;
    private Member _currentMember;

    public DoNotRaiseNotImplementedException()
        : base("DoNotRaiseNotImplementedException",
               // The following string must be the assembly name (here
               // Bevonn.CodeAnalysis) followed by a dot and then the
               // metadata file name without the xml extension (here
               // DesignRules). See the note at the end for more details.
               typeof (DoNotRaiseNotImplementedException).Assembly) { }

    public override void BeforeAnalysis()
        _notImplementedException = FrameworkAssemblies.Mscorlib.GetType(

    public override ProblemCollection Check(Member member)
        var method = member as Method;
        if (method != null)
            _currentMember = member;
        return Problems;

    public override void VisitThrow(ThrowNode throwInstruction)
        if (throwInstruction.Expression != null &&
            var problem = new Problem(

And this is the rule metadata:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Rules FriendlyName="Bevonn Design Rules">
  <Rule TypeName="DoNotRaiseNotImplementedException" Category="Bevonn.Design" CheckId="BCA0001">
    <Name>Do not raise NotImplementedException</Name>
    <Description>NotImplementedException should not be used in production code.</Description>
    <Resolution>Implement the method or property accessor.</Resolution>
    <MessageLevel Certainty="100">CriticalError</MessageLevel>

To build this you need to:

  • reference Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.dll and Microsoft.Cci.dll

  • Put the metadata in a file called DesignRules.xml and add it as an embedded resource to your assembly

  • Name your assembly Bevonn.CodeAnalysis. If you want to use different names for either the metadata or the assembly files, make sure you change the second parameter to the base constructor accordingly.

Then simply add the resulting assembly to your FxCop rules and take those damned exceptions out of your precious code. There are some corner cases where it won't report a NotImplementedException when one is thrown but I really think you are hopeless if you're actually writing such cthulhian code. For normal uses, i.e. throw new NotImplementedException();, it works, and that is all that matters.

It's there to support a fairly common use case, a working but only partially completed API. Say I want to developers to test and evaluate my API - WashDishes() works, at least on my machine, but I haven't gotten around yet to coding up DryDishes(), let alone PutAwayDishes(). Rather than silently failing, or giving some cryptic error message, I can be quite clear about why DryDishes() doesn't work - I haven't implemented it yet.

Its sister exception NotSupportedException make sense mostly for provider models. Many dishwashers have a drying function, so belongs in the interface, but my discount dishwasher doesn't support it. I can let that be known via the NotSupportedException

I'll summarize my views on this in one place, since they're scattered throughout a few comments:

  1. You use NotImplementedException to indicate that an interface member isn't yet implemented, but will be. You combine this with automated unit testing or QA testing to identify features which still need to be implemented.

  2. Once the feature is implemented, you remove the NotImplementedException. New unit tests are written for the feature to ensure that it works properly.

  3. NotSupportedException is generally used for providers that don't support features that don't make sense for specific types. In those cases, the specific types throw the exception, the clients catch them and handle them as appropriate.

  4. The reason that both NotImplementedException and NotSupportedException exist in the Framework is simple: the situations that lead to them are common, so it makes sense to define them in the Framework, so that developers don't have to keep redefining them. Also, it makes it easy for clients to know which exception to catch (especially in the context of a unit test). If you have to define your own exception, they have to figure out which exception to catch, which is at the very least a counter-productive time sink, and frequently incorrect.

Why does the NotImplementedException exist?

NotImplementedException is a great way to say that something is not ready yet. Why it's not ready is a separate question for method's authors. In production code you're unlikely to catch this exception, but if you did you can immediately see what happened and it's much better than trying to figure out why methods was called but nothing happened or even worse - receive some "temporary" result and get "funny" side effects.

Is NotImplementedException the C# equivalent of Java's UnsupportedOperationException?

No, .NET has NotSupportedException

I have to run my algorithm, catch NotImplementedExceptions and the some how roll back my application to some sane state

Good API has XML methods documentation that describes possible exceptions.

I'm very suspicious of the NotSupportedException also... Not supported? What the? If it's not supported, why is it part of your interface?

There can be millions reasons. For example you can introduce new version of API and don't want to/can't support old methods. Again, it is much better to see descriptive exception rather then digging into documentation or debugging 3rd party code.

The main use for a NotImplementedException exception is in generated stub code: that way you don't forget to implement it!! For example, Visual Studio will explicitly implement an interface's methods/properties with the body throwing a NotImplementedException.