image preview from remote drive

I'm connecting to remote server using ssh and this works for me.

Nautilus (my version 3.8.2) saves it's thumbnails in ~/.thumbnails and ~/.cache/thumbnails. By default it shows thumbnails only for local files, but you could change it in preferences. enter image description here

And if the mount point for you remote server is the same, nautilus saves those thumbnails.

And this I haven't tested.

Generating nautilus thumbnails on the server is possible, cause nautilus use libgnome-desktop library that has it's own API. To generate thumbnails you could use script from this answer

But the problem is that nautilus doesn't support adding extra thumbnails paths(or just I haven't found) and the only workaround I see is to make another script that will copy those thumbnails from server to local thumbnails folder, but it sounds really crazy.

On Ubuntu 16.04 using Nautilus 3.14.3 I don't have any preferences menu for Nautilus (I'm using Gnome in XMonad). Running the command

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.preferences show-image-thumbnails always

in a terminal turned on image thumbnails for USB drives. (That command sets the preferences without needing a preferences menu).