Adobe Illustrator CS6 on Mojave with Java 8?
The answer given by Zac Jackson still applies to Mojave: you would have to disable SIP in order to create the required folders. Illustrator's reliance on Java is very slight: the main problem is the 'check' at startup.
Arguably, it's easier just to install Java 6 SE anyway. Java 6 doesn't interfere with Java 8, you can have both installed with no problem.
Only Illustrator and Dreamweaver need Java: the other CS6 apps do not.
However, as Mojave gets older and older, your best option is to run Creative Suite inside a virtual machine running an older OS, like El Cap, and/or migrate to cheaper, more up-to-date apps, like Affinity Designer, that are just as good, if not better, for many uses.