Is there a way the be alerted of changes to a shared iCal calendar?

I've created a calendar in iCal that I share with colleagues, who I have given permission to edit. Everything works fine except that I see no way to receive alerts or notifications when they make changes to events in the calendar. They all report that they were given the option to see alerts when they subscribed, but I (as creator of the calendar) was not given any (that I saw).

Is there a way to configure a shared calendar so that the creator of the calendar can be notified when other users make changes?

Solution 1:

When viewing your calendars at, click the "shared calendar info" button next to the calendar of interest (Button is white for unshared calendars, green for shared). In the new window, check the "email me when this calendar is changed" box.

Now, whenever someone else updates the calendar you will get an email with the change.