What is the ¬ symbol called on a British Windows keyboard? [closed]

What is the ¬ symbol on a British Windows keyboard called? You get to it by pressing Shift and the key left of the '1'.

keyboard layout

As far as I'm aware, I've always seen this referred to as a negation symbol. That is its primary use: to negate a logical evaluation in formal logic.

SoftwareEngineering.SE seems to agree with me:

The only use I've seen for the ¬ symbol is to represent negation in the context of formal logic. For instance, if P is the proposition "It will rain today", then ¬P is the proposition "It will not rain today." I've also seen ~ used for this.

Also note the first comment in the linked post:

That character is U+00AC NOT SIGN and is one of the many notations for logical negation.

Unicode does indeed list this character as "NOT SIGN", which is shorthand for "negation symbol".