How to configure Swashbuckle to ignore property on model

I'm using Swashbuckle to generate swagger documentation\UI for a webapi2 project. Our models are shared with some legacy interfaces so there are a couple of properties I want to ignore on the models. I can't use JsonIgnore attribute because the legacy interfaces also need to serialize to JSON so I don't want to ignore the properties globally, just in the Swashbuckle configuration.

I found a method of doing this documented here:

But this appears to be out of date with the current Swashbuckle release.

The method recommended for the old version of Swashbuckle is using an IModelFilter implementation as follows:

public class OmitIgnoredProperties : IModelFilter
    public void Apply(DataType model, DataTypeRegistry dataTypeRegistry, Type type)
        var ignoredProperties = … // use reflection to find any properties on 
                                  // type decorated with the ignore attributes

        foreach (var prop in ignoredProperties) 


SwaggerSpecConfig.Customize(c => c.ModelFilter<OmitIgnoredProperties>());

But I'm unsure how to configure Swashbuckle to use the IModelFilter in the current version? I'm using Swashbuckle 5.5.3.

If you need to do this but without using JsonIgnore (maybe you still need to serialize/deserialize the property) then just create a custom attribute.

public class SwaggerExcludeAttribute : Attribute

Then a schema filter similar to Johng's

public class SwaggerExcludeFilter : ISchemaFilter
    #region ISchemaFilter Members

    public void Apply(Schema schema, SchemaRegistry schemaRegistry, Type type)
        if (schema?.properties == null || type == null)

        var excludedProperties = type.GetProperties()
                                     .Where(t => 
                                            != null);

        foreach (var excludedProperty in excludedProperties)
            if (


Don't forget to register the filter


If you mark field/property as internal or protected or private, it will be ignored automatically by swashbuckle in swagger documentation.

Update: Obviously, those properties/fields won't be populated in request/response.

Solution for .NET Core 3.1 and .NET Standard 2.1:

Use JsonIgnore from System.Text.Json.Serialization namespace.

( JsonIgnore from Newtonsoft.Json will NOT work )

public class Test
    public int HiddenProperty { get; set; }
    public int VisibleProperty { get; set; }