How do I install Bitcoin in Ubuntu?

Can anyone walk me through the process of installing Bitcoin on Ubuntu? I'm new to linux, and this is really all I want to do with this computer.

Solution 1:

Bitcoin has now an officially maintained PPA with a release candidate version of the peer-to-peer daemon and the client.

Bitcoin has a launchpad project i.e. same project status as Unity/Docky/Openshot etc. The maintainer - Matt Corallo - is a major contributor to the official website.

This will upgrade all versions from 10.04 and later.

The following instructions will upgrade your system to the latest version of the client

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bitcoin-qt

Confirmation that this OK to use is via the bitcoin forums.

Solution 2:


Launchpad has a Personal Package Archives (PPA) for bitcoin.

You can add this PPA to your system's software sources: ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin After that you can search ubuntu software center for bitcoin or from terminal sudo apt-get install bitcoin

By the way: bitcoin is only available for maverick and lucid so after adding the PPA change the distribution to maverick.

And a screenshot to finish it off:



  • What are PPAs and how do I use them?

To change from 'natty' to 'maverick' for a PPA you can do this from the Ubuntu software center: usc

Click the bitcoin PPA and choose edit. Next it changing 'Natty' to 'Maverick': usc2

Reload the sources (it will prompt for it) and you should be able to install maverick's version of 'bitcoin'.