Where to view photo and movie metadata on iOS

Apple, in their infinite wisdom, has chosen to hide that information. There are few built-in ways to view it in iOS. You'll need iOS 13 or greater, even so the procedure is (annoyingly enough) a bit of a kludge.

  1. Select the file you want info on it.
  2. Tap the share button
  3. Select the place to share it to as the Files App.

Once that is done you will need to go into the files.app, and "long" (or more accurately "force tap") on the pic or movie you just "shared" and tap "Info" and then "show more."

And voila the EXIF data for the file and it only took you about eight steps to do it (sarcasm off...)

There are actually a lot of sites that have this info. And many also have recommendations for apps to display EXIF data more readily.

I am going to answer my own question here with photos for future users who may be struggling with how to find media info on their Iphones. Thanks to Steve who started things off. PS - I am never buying an APple product again after wasting so much time on something that should be simple!


Is it possible to view photo and movie data on iOS?


Yes.. but it is a series of steps that require many steps. Painful at best.

Brief description of process

Since we cant simply look at the media information within the Camera Roll, Iphone users are forced to save the file to the 'Files' App which will allow us to see the media information.

Steps to take to see Media information on Iphone

1 - Go to Camera Roll app and select the photo/movie you want to inspect. You can select multiple files by clicking the 'Select' option in the top right corner) after selecting the file(s) click the 'Share' icon located in the bottom left corner of the screen:

enter image description here

2 - A new screen will appear with the selected photo and the option to select more files if we want. Beneath this are a row of contacts we can share the photo with, and beneath this is another row with some default options to share with other apps like Mail, Facebook, InstaGram etc.

enter image description here

In this new version of the 'Share Screen' the previously accessible menus are now hidden on another page lower down which you can access by scrolling up. After scrolling up we can see the hidden menu that shows us where to save to the Files App:

enter image description here

3 - Click on the 'Save to Files' option and you will be prompted for which directory to save the file to. Chose a directory to save within the Files app, and then open the app after the file is saved.

4 - Once the Files app is open, hold your finger on the file you wish to see the info for and a menu will appear:

enter image description here

Click on the 'Info' option to see the following information:

Kind, Size, Date Created, Date Modified, Date last opened, diretory of file on phone, Dimensions and tags.