Always show directory icon on Finder on Big Sur

The default finder window looks like this:enter image description here

If I click on the folder name (AdventOfCode) twice, first a popup with the path opens, and then the directory icon stays, until I click again or move out of the "label area".

enter image description here

Does anyone know how to avoid the hiding of this icon?

Solution 1:

You can revert application toolbars to their 10.x look by setting NSWindowSupportsAutomaticInlineTitle. To set this for Finder, use as the domain.

Disclaimer (from the comments):

I always wish “killall Finder” had a disclaimer. It’s safer to log out and back in since killing finder can interrupt copies, spoil mounted share and other such items... they are clearly edge cases...

defaults write NSWindowSupportsAutomaticInlineTitle -bool false
killall Finder

From my answer to a similar more generic question: Revert UI on Big Sur?