How do I seamlessly share a window from Mac OS X El Capitan to Windows 10?

Is there a way for me (as not an enterprise) to seamlessly share/remote access one window on my Mac from my Windows PC? I know Citrix has a version of this, but I'm not able to get their enterprise software.

Edit: What I want to do is having remote access from a Windows machine on the same network as the Mac machine. But the remote access shouldn't be just a full screen remote as VNC or TeamViewer. I want to share/remote into just one application which I have on my Mac.

I think that 'seamlessly share/remote access on window on my Mac' would benefit from some clarification about specific user scenario (is somebody at remote machine etc).

There is professional grade TeamViewer which is free for personal use which includes option to share whole screen or specific application window.

There is possibility to use Microsoft Teams to share from chat or meeting desktop, window or file.