In Shortcuts, how to find a specific photo?
In Shortcuts, I added a PHOTOS / Find Photos action and I want it to select a certain specific photo. I see there is a filer "Name is something", but it does not seem to work.
I tried to enter the filename (IMG_123.PNG), but it does not find the correct photo.
Is the "Name" filter referring to some other name of the photo? The Caption (in shortcuts "Caption" is not offered as a filter) maybe?
Using iOS 14.3
Solution 1:
Individual photos can be selected by their (file)names. But without the dot part.
So: Name is IMG_123
The letter case must also match!
The following will not match the photo named IMG_123.JPG
To find out the filename of a photo in the Photos app:
- open the photo
- tap the action/sharing icon:
- in the menu select Save to Files
The file name will be shown at the top, next to the file icon. No need to actually save the file.
PS: There does not seem to be a way to filter by photo caption.