Vim-like navigation n Adobe Acrobat Reader

I have set vim like navigation in Adobe Reader using AutoHotKey. You need to configure key mapping to be active only when Adobe Reader is the current active window so that this key binding does not affect other applications. The following modified AutoHotKey.ahk script does that

#IfWinActive ahk_class AcrobatSDIWindow
h::Send {Left}

#IfWinActive ahk_class AcrobatSDIWindow
j::Send {Down}

#IfWinActive ahk_class AcrobatSDIWindow
k::Send {Up}

#IfWinActive ahk_class AcrobatSDIWindow
l::Send {Right}

The ahk_class name can be determined by running AutoIt3 Window Spy.

The only drawback is during Search/Find operation in Adobe Reader. If your search text contains h/j/k/l it will be interpreted as arrow keys. You can overcome this limitation by suspending the autokey or by clicking Pause Script from the taskbar notification area. Better approach to overcome this limitation is using uppercase letters( HJKL ). Since adobe searches case insensitive, you search will cover hjkl letters too. for instance taKe matches with take

As far as I know, this isn't possible. There is a project under way to create a pdf viewer that has a vim-like interface, but although the development seems to be quite active, it has a way to go yet. If that's of any interest, you can find it here (versions are available for Linux and Windows, although the development is focused on Windows):

Otherwise, I think you're stuck with evince or using the cursor keys.