How to disable or hide scrollbar/minimap?

I can't find any option, setting, or keyboard shortcut that disables or hides that annoying scrollbar. I just don't find it useful and it's distracting.

Can't just edit the editor's CSS like Atom, either.

Remove Minimap

Add the following to your settings.json file

"editor.minimap.enabled": false

Note that, as pointed out in another answer, this process has now been simplified to:

View->Show Minimap

Remove the Overview Ruler

Add the following to your settings.json file

"editor.hideCursorInOverviewRuler": true

This will keep the scrollbar, but will result in it only appearing when the cursor is within the editor, as seen in the image below:

enter image description here

Completely remove scrollbars (requires restart)

If you would like to completely remove the scrollbars, add the following to your settings.json file (note the editor will say "Unknown configuration setting" - ignore this. It will still work):

"editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden",
"editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden"

This will result in the scrollbars not being visible even when the cursor is in the editor, as seen in the image below:

enter image description here

Ctrl + Shift + P -> Open User Settings

"editor.minimap.enabled": false

Try this,

view->toggle minimap

or after version 1.43

view->show minimap

Removing the scroll bar

These no longer work:

"editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden",
"editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden"

However, this will set the size of the scroll bar to 0:

"editor.scrollbar.verticalScrollbarSize": 0,

The toolip says "Unknown Configuration Setting" but it works for me. (Visual Studio Code 1.39.2)

So this is an unofficial method as instructed on accepted answer by @badfilms. You can read about it here

After adding, restart vscode: "editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden", "editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden" This gives and "Unknown configuration settings", ignore it.

Then to remove the scrollbar seperator or ruler border, add this: "editor.overviewRulerBorder": false