Find my phone stopped working from homepod

I use find my phone often by asking siri on my homepod.

However without changing anything siri now says "before I can help with that you'll need to update your information in siri settings on your iphone "

Now there is no siri settings on the phone there is in settings a section for siri and search. Which exact settings do I need to change?

I found my phone by logging into icloud on my desktop and running find my from there. My phone made a sound with no problem. Using find my from my ipad made the phone make a sound as well

So what does the homepod need and will that change how my desktop or ipad finds the phone? All running ios 14

I encountered this problem when trying to launch a third party app via Homepod, either directly or in a Shortcut. Turns out you have to give explicit permission for Siri to use it with a particular app. Go to Settings -> Siri & Search on your iPhone, scroll down to the list of apps, open the app you wish to use with Siri, scroll down and turn on "Use with Ask Siri". If you hear Siri saying this when trying to use Apple own apps like Find My, the only thing I can think about is enabling Personal Requests, as described here