Selecting close matches from one array based on another reference array

Solution 1:

Approach #1: With NumPy broadcasting, we can look for absolute element-wise subtractions between the input arrays and use an appropriate threshold to filter out unwanted elements from A. It seems for the given sample inputs, a threshold of 90 works.

Thus, we would have an implementation, like so -

thresh = 90
Aout = A[(np.abs(A[:,None] - B) < thresh).any(1)]

Sample run -

In [69]: A
Out[69]: array([   2,  100,  300,  793, 1300, 1500, 1810, 2400])

In [70]: B
Out[70]: array([   4,  305,  789, 1234, 1890])

In [71]: A[(np.abs(A[:,None] - B) < 90).any(1)]
Out[71]: array([   2,  300,  793, 1300, 1810])

Approach #2: Based on this post, here's a memory efficient approach using np.searchsorted, which could be crucial for large arrays -

def searchsorted_filter(a, b, thresh):
    choices = np.sort(b) # if b is already sorted, skip it
    lidx = np.searchsorted(choices, a, 'left').clip(max=choices.size-1)
    ridx = (np.searchsorted(choices, a, 'right')-1).clip(min=0)
    cl = np.take(choices,lidx) # Or choices[lidx]
    cr = np.take(choices,ridx) # Or choices[ridx]
    return a[np.minimum(np.abs(a - cl), np.abs(a - cr)) < thresh]

Sample run -

In [95]: searchsorted_filter(A,B, thresh = 90)
Out[95]: array([   2,  300,  793, 1300, 1810])

Runtime test

In [104]: A = np.sort(np.random.randint(0,100000,(1000)))

In [105]: B = np.sort(np.random.randint(0,100000,(400)))

In [106]: out1 = A[(np.abs(A[:,None] - B) < 10).any(1)]

In [107]: out2 = searchsorted_filter(A,B, thresh = 10)

In [108]: np.allclose(out1, out2)  # Verify results
Out[108]: True

In [109]: %timeit A[(np.abs(A[:,None] - B) < 10).any(1)]
100 loops, best of 3: 2.74 ms per loop

In [110]: %timeit searchsorted_filter(A,B, thresh = 10)
10000 loops, best of 3: 85.3 µs per loop

Jan 2018 Update with further performance boost

We can avoid the second usage of np.searchsorted(..., 'right') by making use of the indices obtained from np.searchsorted(..., 'left') and also the absolute computations, like so -

def searchsorted_filter_v2(a, b, thresh):
    N = len(b)

    choices = np.sort(b) # if b is already sorted, skip it

    l = np.searchsorted(choices, a, 'left')
    l_invalid_mask = l==N
    l[l_invalid_mask] = N-1
    left_offset = choices[l]-a
    left_offset[l_invalid_mask] *= -1    

    r = (l - (left_offset!=0))
    r_invalid_mask = r<0
    r[r_invalid_mask] = 0
    r += l_invalid_mask
    right_offset = a-choices[r]
    right_offset[r_invalid_mask] *= -1

    out = a[(left_offset < thresh) | (right_offset < thresh)]
    return out

Updated timings to test the further speedup -

In [388]: np.random.seed(0)
     ...: A = np.random.randint(0,1000000,(100000))
     ...: B = np.unique(np.random.randint(0,1000000,(40000)))
     ...: np.random.shuffle(B)
     ...: thresh = 10
     ...: out1 = searchsorted_filter(A, B, thresh)
     ...: out2 = searchsorted_filter_v2(A, B, thresh)
     ...: print np.allclose(out1, out2)

In [389]: %timeit searchsorted_filter(A, B, thresh)
10 loops, best of 3: 24.2 ms per loop

In [390]: %timeit searchsorted_filter_v2(A, B, thresh)
100 loops, best of 3: 13.9 ms per loop

Digging deeper -

In [396]: a = A; b = B

In [397]: N = len(b)
     ...: choices = np.sort(b) # if b is already sorted, skip it
     ...: l = np.searchsorted(choices, a, 'left')

In [398]: %timeit np.sort(B)
100 loops, best of 3: 2 ms per loop

In [399]: %timeit np.searchsorted(choices, a, 'left')
100 loops, best of 3: 10.3 ms per loop

Seems like searchsorted and sort are taking almost all of the runtime and they seem essential to this method. So, doesn't seem like it could be improved any further staying with this sort-based approach.

Solution 2:

You could find the distance of each point in A from each value in B using bsxfun and then find the index of the point in A which is closest to each value in B using min.

[dists, ind] = min(abs(bsxfun(@minus, A, B.')), [], 2)

If you're on R2016b, bsxfun can be removed thanks to automatic broadcasting

[dists, ind] = min(abs(A - B.'), [], 2);

If you suspect that some values in B are not real peaks, then you can set a threshold value and remove any distances that were greater than this value.

threshold = 90;
ind = ind(dists < threshold);

Then we can use ind to index into A

output = A(ind);

Solution 3:

You can use MATLAB interp1 function that exactly does what you want.
option nearest is used to find nearest points and there is no need to specify a threshold.

out = interp1(A, A, B, 'nearest', 'extrap');

comparing with other method:

A = sort(randi([0,1000000],1,10000));

B = sort(randi([0,1000000],1,4000));

    out = interp1(A, A, B, 'nearest', 'extrap');
disp('---subtraction with threshold------')
%numpy version is the same
    [dists, ind] = min(abs(bsxfun(@minus, A, B.')), [], 2);


Elapsed time is 0.00778699 seconds.
---subtraction with threshold------
Elapsed time is 0.445485 seconds.

interp1 can be used for inputs larger than 10000 and 4000 but in subtrction method out of memory error occured.