(null) entry in command string exception in saveAsTextFile() on Pyspark

You are missing winutils.exe a hadoop binary . Depending upon x64 bit / x32 bit System download the winutils.exe file & set your hadoop home pointing to it.

1st way :

  1. Download the file
  2. Create hadoop folder in Your System, ex C:
  3. Create bin folder in hadoop directory, ex : C:\hadoop\bin
  4. paste winutils.exe in bin, ex: C:\hadoop\bin\winutils.exe
  5. In User Variables in System Properties -> Advance System Settings

Create New Variable Name: HADOOP_HOME Path: C:\hadoop\

2nd Way :

You can set hadoop home directly in Your Java Program with the following Command like this :

System.setProperty("hadoop.home.dir","C:\hadoop" );

I had a similar exception saying permission issue when loading a model built in some other machine and copied in my Windows system although my HADOOP_HOME was set.

I just ran the following command over my model folder:

winutils.exe chmod -R 777 model-path