Can't access local Documents folder, only iCloud one

I ran out of space in my Macbook Air a few days ago and the computer gave me the option to upload the Documents folder to iCloud, to which I agreed and proceed. Now, in the Finder, I can only access the iCloud folder of Documents, which doesn't let me copy the documents to an external device. Also, I would like to delete some things from the Documents folder from my SSD.

If I go to Machintosh HD -> Users -> MyUserName there is no Documents folder. However, it still taking space in my SSD, because I can see it in Storage Management.

Could you help me to copy to an external device and delete from my computer the Documents folder? Thanks

In Big Sur the real location of an iCloud Documents folder is within ~/Library/Mobile Documents. There you will also find folders for various apps that maintain their own iCloud folders. No matter where you view them from, various icons should appear by files (to the right in list & columns views) to indicate their iCloud status. The full explanation of those icons can be found on this Apple Support page. Here's a screenshot from it...

iCloud status icons