Reorganize partitions with HDD and SSD

Please, don't do anything until someone else reviews it. I could miss something.

As /home is already configured, move /usr/share

  • Using a live CD, start gparted
  • Unmount swap, lvm's and any mounted partitions
  • Resize the partition you like to get space from, apply

    If that partition is so big, try removing space from the end. So gparted will not shift the whole partition.

  • Create the needed partition as ext4, apply
  • Still using gparted: Right click on the new partition → Properties → Copy UUID
  • Mount the created (share) partition with the ubuntu partition which gonna copy from
  • Copy share folder. cp -a to preserve all (permissions, ownership, links..)

    Replace <ubuntu_part> and <share_part> with your partitions mounting paths

    sudo cp -a /media/<ubuntu_part>/usr/share/* /media/<share_part>/
  • Rename /usr/share as backup

    sudo mv /media/<ubuntu_part>/usr/share /media/<ubuntu_part>/usr/backup_share
  • Backup /etc/fstab

    sudo cp /media/<ubuntu_part>/etc/fstab /media/<ubuntu_part>/etc/backup_fstab
  • Same as /home add /usr/share, (use UUID copied before) something similar to:

    sudo gedit /media/<ubuntu_part>/etc/fstab
    # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
    # / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
    UUID=e3725608-ee2f-408d-9d53-4f172070ca1f /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
    # /home was on /dev/sda5 during installation
    UUID=1063be7e-2105-434c-a9e9-75cf3d02e969 /home           ext4    defaults        0       2
    # /usr/share was on /dev/sda6 during installation
    UUID=34c6fc4b-3c63-4e58-a3dd-3b70926c58c9 /usr/share      ext4    defaults        0       2
    # swap was on /dev/sda2 during installation
    UUID=bde0f592-e4fe-4eb6-9d75-eec161e349a1 none            swap    sw              0       0

    Lines starts with # are just comments

  • Reboot

  • If it's OK, delete backups

    sudo rm /media/<ubuntu_part>/etc/backup_fstab
    sudo rm -R /media/<ubuntu_part>/usr/backup_share


  • Disk Usage Analyzer (or du on command line) can be used get size info. It is more practical to analyze an already used system so all tools needed installed. So space distribution depends on user behavior, some install much -doc's, -dev's, wine programs in /home/user/.wine, ...