How to remove Google Chrome from Spotlight suggestions in macOS Big Sur

Starting Big Sur I have Google Chrome that returns in every possible Spotlight result.

This is very annoying because if I do a typo in Spotlight and hit enter then Google Chrome shows up.

If I recall correctly before there was an option to disable this by unchecking: System Preferences > Spotlight > Allow Spotlight Suggestions in Spotlight and Look up. The option is not present anymore on Big Sur.

The only categories I have enabled in Spotlight are Applications, Calculator and System Preferences.

How can I stop this behavior from Spotlight? Or exclude Google Chrome from it?

Spotlight Result

New in Big Sur’s Spotlight are web search completion results.

This is not the Google Chrome application presenting itself, but rather web search results showing in Spotlight able to be opened with the default web browser. Since your default web browser is Chrome, the icon of Chrome shows by the results.

It’s currently not possible to remove web search results from Spotlight.

It's impossible to make Spotlight do what you want but you can install a replacement. I like ueli, which is both free and open source.