Auto mount webdav folder

Solution 1:

Here is an article about that automount However I had a problem mounting it in that way, but when I commented the line secrets ~/.davfs2/secrets back everything went fine.

  • Install davfs2

    sudo apt-get install davfs2

  • Reconfigure davfs2 to enable to use davfs under unprivileged users

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2

  • Edit /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf to enable automatic credentials use.

    • Uncomment the line secrets ~/.davfs2/secrets
  • Edit ~/.davfs2/secrets file to add credentials to remote WebDav diectory.

    • Add a line to the end of file in following style:

      https://<WebDav URI> <username> <password>

    • Set the permission:

      chmod 600 ~/.davfs2/secrets

  • Add a line to /etc/fstab about the remote WebDav directory

    https://<WebDav URI> <mount point> davfs user,noauto,file_mode=600,dir_mode=700 0 1

  • Add your user to the davfs2 group

    sudo vi /etc/group

    • Add your username as follows:


  • That's it. You can use following commands without being a root user to mount/umount

    mount <mount point>

    umount <mount point>

    You can also use nautilus to mount/umount the directory.