In Xcode 4.3, where do I put the additional tools?

I'm confused. I just downloaded 6 supplementary packages using Xcode > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools... and I thought the .dmg files would contain .pkg files, but instead they contain programs. Where am I supposed to install these programs?

I suspect the answer might be "Anywhere you want." — But I don't like that idea. I want to put them in some standard or conventional location.

Oddly, there is no README file saying where these should go.

For now, I'm putting them in /Applications/Xcode Tools, but that seems kludgey.

Also odd: There was a .dmg file for the the Command Line tools, which I installed, but that actually was a .pkg inside the .dmg, which is different from the other 6. I'm not sure why Apple is providing a .dmg for the Command Line Tools when they are installable via Xcode > Preferences... > Downloads > Components. I think it's just confusing.

And finally: The "Audio Tools" image contains a directory called "CoreAudio", which contains a whole bunch of source code and include files. Where are these supposed to go? I don't want them under Applications.

The packaging of the supplemental tools seems a bit slapdash to me.

Solution 1:

  1. Find and open it by 'Show package content'
  2. Drag and drop new development tool from downloaded .dmg to /Applications inside Xcode
  3. Add yourself to 'Sharing & Permissions' of /Resources with rights to read/write
  4. Repeat step 3 for file

  5. Open file IDEHelperApps.plist in

  6. Add string with name of added tool to first array. For example:

  7. Save .plist and restart Xcode.

Solution 2:

Put them wherever you want. Unix and Mac OS do not care where your executable files are.