How to install cling?
Solution 1:
Cling now provides binary snapshots for Ubuntu (as well as Fedora and OSX) which you can find here
For example if you are on ubuntu 16 (or newer?):
sudo apt install -y wget unar
unar cling_2020-11-05_ROOT-ubuntu2004.tar.bz2
Solution 2:
Ok, this is not a weekend project and apparently it needs too many stuff to be installed before operative. So, I haven't tested this myself, but is what the instructions says (+ some bits of Ubuntu):
Get the tools first, you need some other may be installed on your system, so to prevent this just:
sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib-bin zlib1g-dev subversion texinfo git
Now, create a directory empty to do your experiment:
mkdir ~/cling-clang
cd ~/cling-clang
This step will take a while if you have slow connection (please use one line at time):
svn co llvm
cd llvm/tools
svn co clang
git clone
cd ..
cat tools/cling/patches/*.diff | patch -p0
cd ../llvm/projects
svn co compiler-rt
cd ../..
mkdir build
cd build
Now start the fun. If nothing of the above failed you can continue:
../llvm/configure --enable-targets=host
This will build LLVM, Clang and Cling. There should be a package maintainer that do this stuff for Debian/Ubuntu, I tip my hat off. This will have the Cling built, but not installed. You may want to use checkinstall instead of sudo make install