Handling unhandled exceptions problem

Solution 1:

Normally I use something like this to try and catch all unexpected top-level exceptions.

using System;

static class Program
  static void Main(string[] argv)
      AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (sender,e)
      => FatalExceptionObject(e.ExceptionObject);

      Application.ThreadException += (sender,e)
      => FatalExceptionHandler.Handle(e.Exception);

      // whatever you need/want here

      Application.Run(new MainWindow());
    catch (Exception huh)

  static void FatalExceptionObject(object exceptionObject) {
    var huh = exceptionObject as Exception;
    if (huh == null) {
      huh = new NotSupportedException(
        "Unhandled exception doesn't derive from System.Exception: "
         + exceptionObject.ToString()

Maybe it is something you find helpful too? This main code routes all three ways of catching unexpected top-level exceptions through one method call. All you now need is a static class FatalExceptionHandler that includes your top-level exception handling in its Handle method.

And really, any application developer knows there are really just two things to do there:

  1. Show/log the exception like you see fit
  2. Make sure you exit/kill the application process

If you think item two is strange, remember that we only bother to do this in the first place for really exceptional situations. These things are probably bugs that need changes to your application to be accurately addressed. Any other exception handling - the functional kind - should be lower down inside your actual program code, catching specific kinds of exceptions where this makes sense and handling them there in the way that makes sense. Anything else should bubble up to your FatalExceptionHandler to make itself known and stop the possibly crippled program from working from corrupted state

Dead programs tell no lies... ;-)

Solution 2:

It's because you're running it through Visual Studio in Debug mode. If you release and install your app somewhere else, nothing but your global exception handler will be processed.

Solution 3:

Note that unhandled exceptions are still pretty fatal; you can only really use this for logging, or maybe some hasty close-down. Neither this nor Application.ThreadException can be used as a global sink for errors.

The better approach is to add proper handling - for example, around your entire Main() logic. Note that even this can't catch a few exceptions, such as errors during form-load (which get particularly nasty - you can catch them with a debugger attached, but not without).