LyX start every time as a new application

I use LyX and I installed last version on macOS Catalina 10.15.7.

Whenever I launch the application the system shows a progress bar saying 'Verifico ""...' (this is Italian, in English it should read something like 'Verifying ""...' or 'Checking ""...').

After that a window pops-up saying '"" è un'applicazione scaricata da internet. Confermi di volerla aprire?' (that translated is '"" is an application downloaded from internet. Do you confirm you want to open it?'), and I answer "yes".

This behavior is OK for the first run, but it repeats every time I launch the application, and seems more a problem of macOS than a problem of Lyx. Can someone help?

Solution 1:

I finally realized that the folder /Applications/ didn't have write permissions not even for the proprietary user, differently from all other *.app folders in /Applications, so the execution of the command

chmod +w /Applications/

solved the problem.