Is there a good automatic time tracking tool for Mac OS X

I'm searching for an automatic time tracking tool for Mac OS X. I regularly mess up manual time tracking with timers etc., so I want something more automatic:

The application should run in background and track more or less everything I do - which applications are active, which sites I browse, how long I'm idle etc.

It would then list all the things I do in a timeline and let me specify filters like "Xcode in foreground", "browsing", etc. Using these filters, I could check how long I worked on what after I left work.

Is there an application which does this? I'm aware of a website and a client for it, but I'm absolutely NOT comfortable with putting all the things I do on some random website.

Not sure it'll do everything you've asked for, but Time Sink is pretty powerful and can generate a variety of reports. Its almost free at $5 and you can try it for 14-days. It can also run in a menu bar only mode so its out of the way.

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I'd like to recommend my own app Timing (see the screenshot below). It automatically tracks which documents you edit, which websites you visit and which apps you use, so that you can later review what exactly you have done. You can also manually add offline activities so that they don't get lost.

Screenshot of Timing for Mac

WakaTime is an open-source Xcode plugin for automatic time tracking.


  • Fully automatic

  • Detects project name from revision control software

  • Language breakdown showing your most-used programming languages

  • Monthly, weekly, or daily email summaries

  • Open-source text editor plugins available on GitHub.

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