Are there any famous/notable mathematicians who have their own YouTube channel?

Are there any famous/notable mathematicians who have their own YouTube channel?

I found this amazing video regarding the book. The YouTube channel name is The Math Sorcerer, but I don't know what the background of The Math Sorcerer is. From the analysis of the video I think he is a famous/notable mathematician.

I want to know more about YouTube channels of notable mathematicians.

Here are some YouTube channels of mathematicians that I really enjoy. Their levels of fame and notoriety vary, from PhD students at one end to Dr. Borcherds (a fields medalist) at the other. Presented in no particular order:

  • Alvaro Lozano-Robledo -- Recordings of a graduate course on elliptic curves, some videos about algebra for kids, and more!
  • Paul VanKoughnett -- Recordings of a currently-running seminar on stable homotopy theory.
  • Richard Borcherds -- Dr. Borcherds is uploading new content at an incredible pace on various undergraduate- and graduate-level topics.
  • Michael Penn -- Mostly videos about solving contest-style problems.
  • Daniel Litt -- Recordings of a graduate course on étale cohomology, among other things.
  • Billy Woods -- Has a lovely series of videos on algebraic number theory.
  • Boarbarktree -- Currently just 3 videos, on homology. I look forward to more!
  • Kristaps John Balodis -- Videos on number theory, geometry, set theory, and more, as well as interesting interviews with current math PhD students!

I'll also take this opportunity to plug my own YouTube channel. Currently the content there is sparse and not of the highest quality, but I aim to improve over time! Here's a 30-second video I made on computing $\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}x} f^{-1}(x)$, which I'm quite happy with.

Field medalist and Abel Prize winner Timothy Gowers

You tube channel link

  • Insights into Mathematics: by N J Wildberger

I appreciate the central lecture course from

  • The WE-Heraeus International Winter School on Gravity and Light by Frederic P. Schuller.

He formidably presents in $28$ lectures, each roughly one and a half hour long the mathematical foundations necessary to understand general relativity. The lectures are built around the definition of the term spacetime, defined as

Spacetime is a four-dimensional topological manifold with a smooth atlas carrying a torsion-free connection compatible with a Lorentzian metric and a time orientation satisfying the Einstein equations.