How to understand "after" in "A man after my own heart"

I have always found the phrase "a man after my own heart" very endearing. It expresses a fond kinship in a charming way.

However, there are (at least) two meanings of the word after that would make sense in this phrase.

One is after in the sense of in imitation of someone, in other words, "your heart takes after or resembles my own."

The other is in the sense of following or pursuant, as in "you are attempting to win my affection."

My question is, which meaning of "after" is intended in this expression?

Solution 1:

I think it depends on the context you use it, and what you intend by it, for sure, it could be used either way in common speech. As the commenter pointed out it is originally from the Bible in reference to God's view of King David, a man after God's own heart. (1Samuel 13:14 and Acts 13:22 if you are interested.) In both cases the exact meanings of the Greek and Hebrew prepositions (le and kata respectively) are pretty broad, however, the context makes it clear that the meaning was basically "a man who seeks the same goals and desires that I have."

However, I don't think the origins are sufficiently well known to give a firm and clear meaning to the idiom, so I think it can pretty much be used in any way that the grammar and semantics allow, including your two options.

Solution 2:

The Phrase Doctor gives both the meaning and apparent origins of the phrase, writing that:

Meaning A kindred spirit - someone I can agree with.

Further, this meaning is by most accounts from the King James version of the Bible.

Based on this meaning--that it means "a kindred spirit"--then after seems to take on this rarer meaning listed in the OED:

  • In compliance with the wishes of.


c1395 Chaucer Wife of Bath's Tale 406 And eek I pray to Jhesus schort her lyves, That wil nought be governed after her wyves [6– text bi].

a1500 (1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. xxii. 278 Pylate, do after vs, And dam to deth Iesus.

As these examples were written both before and after the King James Bible (which was written in 1611), this is likely the same use of after as was found there.

The OED also explains that the use of heart here is one that is now obsolete, meaning:

Intent, will, purpose, inclination, desire. Obs. exc. in phr. after one's own heart.

So to be after one's own heart means that someone is in compliance with one's own intent, will, or inclination. This, in current use, is the same as being "someone I can agree with". To be in compliance with one's own will means that someone is in agreement with one's own will.