Difference between Inflection and Declension

I had looked up the dictionary regarding the meaning of Declension and it denotes : a list of Inflections.

What is the main difference between inflection and Declension? To What does the dictionary refer with the word list?

Solution 1:

It helps if you think about it this way: when learning about language grammar, verbs are conjugated and nouns (for example) are declined.

The changes that must be made to a noun to decline it (the act of "declension") are called "inflections."

Thus, when you decline the word "dog" to make it plural, the word is inflected by adding an "s" on the end to create "dogs."

Read this wiki page for a detailed discussion about inflection.

Read this wiki page for a detailed discussion about declension.

The basic definition of "decline" is "to reduce." In English grammar, a noun (etc.) is declined (reduced) from its general form to a specific form.

What you actually do to change the word is "inflection."