Multiple path names for a same component in React Router

Solution 1:

As of react-router v4.4.0-beta.4, and officially in v5.0.0, you can now specify an array of paths which resolve to a component e.g.

    <Route path={["/home", "/users", "/widgets"]} component={Home} />

Each path in the array is a regular expression string.

The documentation for this approach can be found here.

Update for React Router v6

React Router v6 no longer allows an array of paths to be passed as a Route property. Instead you can make use of the useRoutes (see here for documentation) React hook to achieve the same behaviour:

import React from "react";
import {
  BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom";

const App = () => useRoutes([
    { path: "/home", element: <Home /> },
    { path: "/users", element: <Home /> },
    { path: "/widgets", element: <Home /> }

const AppWrapper = () => (
      <App />

You can see an extended example of this code working here.

The key take away from this answer is:

The useRoutes hook is the functional equivalent of <Routes>, but it uses JavaScript objects instead of <Route> elements to define your routes.

Solution 2:

At least with react-router v4 the path can be a regular expression string, so you can do something like this:

    <Route path="/(home|users|widgets)/" component={Home} />

As you can see it's a bit verbose so if your component/route is simple like this it's probably not worth it.

And of course if this actually comes up often you could always create a wrapping component that takes in an array paths parameter, which does the regex or .map logic reusably.

Solution 3:

I don't think it is if you use a version of React Router lower than v4.

You can use a map as you would do with any other JSX component though:

    {["/home", "/users", "/widgets"].map((path, index) => 
        <Route path={path} component={Home} key={index} />


You can also use a regex for the path in react-router v4 as long as it's supported by path-to-regexp. See @Cameron's answer for more info.

Solution 4:

As of react-route-dom v5.1.2 you can pass multiple path as below

 <Route path={"/home" | "/users" | "/widgets"} component={Home} />

And obvoiusly you need to import Home jsx file on top.

Solution 5:

Other option: use route prefix. /pages for example. You will get

  • /pages/home
  • /pages/users
  • /pages/widgets

And then resolve it in a detailed way inside the Home component.

  <Route path="/pages/" component={Home} />