How to export selected columns into csv file

Solution 1:

Just do in simple way:-

  1. Apply concatenation for 10 columns

  2. Drag down list end of your last row

  3. Copy the result column
  4. Paste it in notepad
  5. Save it as .csv file format

Solution 2:

Select the first column you want. Then, while holding down <Ctrl>, select the remaining columns you want. Copy your selection and paste it into a new workbook. Save the new workbook as a .csv file.

If you are going to do this frequently, record a macro of your steps. Here is the macro recorded from my test. In my example, column A is Name and column E is Email. I've also modified the macro so the SaveAs filename includes the current date.

I was going to show an example macro, but for whatever reason, superuser errors out when I click Save Edits. I'll try again later.

Solution 3:

Here's a low-tech solution:

  1. Save a copy of your entire sheet as .csv.
  2. While still open in Excel, delete the columns you don't want.
  3. Save.