Google Chrome sometimes loses its pinned tabs?

In some occasions; for instance, when I don't leave the browser open long enough and close it again; then upon reopening the browser lost all my pinned tabs. Does anyone know why this happens and what I could do about it? Using favorites to reopen them is an option, but I find it tedious to have to repin them.

How can I tell my browser that these are my pinned sites; so, please don't mess with them?

When you open the browser, try pressing CTRL+SHIFT+T. This will open old tabs, and I believe it will restore your pinned tabs. Others still seem to have this problem as well.

I got a solution.

  1. just click on 3 dots at top right side.
  2. move your cursor over history.

  3. It will now show you the no. of tabs that were pinned. In my case there were 10 so It showed in history "10 tabs" . I clicked on it and it re-opened my all the 10 tabs that I pinned earlier.

This happened to me once too often.

My solution is fairly simple -

  1. Create a new folder in Bookmarks Bar and name it "Pinned".
  2. Bookmark all pinned tabs into this folder.
  3. Install the Pin all tabs extension by James Fairbairn from the web store. Note: Extension was last updated: 22 December 2014, Size: 4.32KiB
  4. When I lose everything, including pinned tabs, right click on the "Pinned" folder in Bookmarks bar and select the "Open all bookmarks in new window" option. This will open all the pinned tabs you previously bookmarked, in the same order as before.
  5. Click on the Pin all tabs extension and all the tabs are restored as before.