How to track child process using strace?

Solution 1:

strace -f to trace child process that's fork()ed.

Solution 2:

I can't see an easy way:

You could use the -ff option with -o filename to produce multiple files (one per pid).


strace -o process_dump -ff ./executable
grep clone process_dump*

that would help you see which parent created what. Maybe that would help you - at least then you could search backwards.

Solution 3:

There is a perl script called strace-graph. Here is a version from github. It is packaged with crosstool-ng versions of compilers. It works for me even used cross platform.

ARM Linux box.

$ ./strace -f -q -s 100 -o app.trc -p 449
$ tftp -pr app.trc

X86_64 Linux box.

$ ./strace-graph /srv/tftp/app.trc 
  +-- touch /tmp/ppp.sleep
  +-- killall -HUP pppd
  +-- amixer set Speaker 70%
  +-- amixer set Speaker 70%
  +-- amixer set Speaker 70%
  +-- amixer set Speaker 70%
  +-- amixer set Speaker 50%
  +-- amixer set Speaker 70%
  `-- amixer set Speaker 50%

The output can be used to help navigate the main trace log.