Notepad++ keyboard shortcut to toggle "Find Result" window

Solution 1:

Once in a while I could not find the "Search Results" window. I hit F7 to show it but no luck, and I know I have not undocked the windows as a separate window either. Then, someone suggested that I might have minimize it all the way down to the status bar. So, if you have done that by accident:

  1. mouse over to the top section of the status bar
  2. the cursor will change to the vertical resize shape
  3. hold it using the left mouse click, and drag it upward to reveal the missing search result window

Also note that the "Search Results" window can be docked to left, right, or top of the window too. Try moving the cursor near those sides if the vertical resize shape does not appear when mousing over top section of the status bar. Once the vertical status bar appears, just left mouse click, and drag inward toward the center of the window to reveal the missing search result window.

I hope this suggestion helps some other people who would be frustrated as I was.

Solution 2:

I have only half an answer - which you probably already know ...

F7 Shows the "Search Results" window, and allows you to jump from it to the editing section and back to it. But I couldn't find a way to hide/close it.

Solution 3:

It is not possible to do it directly in Notepad++, but it is possible using AutoHotKey. The following script will convert F7 from an open-only shortcut to a toggle; it opens it if it isn't already open, and closes it if it is.

Here is the script:

; Ed Cottrell's AutoHotKey script for toggling the "Find Results" pane/window in Notepad++
; Released under the MIT License (
; Version: 1.1
; Release Date: January 15, 2014
; Released on
; Also released at

; Turn F7 into a toggle for the Notepad++ search results window; currently it shows it, but doesn't hide it.
; The $ prevents this from firing itself
Open := 0
SetTitleMatchMode 2  ; AHK doesn't seem to recognize the window title otherwise
; See if Notepad++ is the active window or if the undocked results window (ahk_class #32770) is the active window
If WinActive("Notepad++")
    ; If the results pane is open, close it
    ; Button1 is the class name for the title bar and close button of the results pane when docked
    ControlGet, OutputVar, Visible,, Button1, Notepad++
    if ErrorLevel = 0
        If OutputVar > 0
            ; Found it docked
            Open := 1
            ; Get the size and coordinates of the title bar and button
            ControlGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Button1
            ; Set the coordinates of the close button
            X := Width - 9
            Y := 5
            ; Send a click
            ControlClick, Button1,,,,, NA x%X% y%Y%
; If it is undocked, use ahk_class #32770
else If WinExist("Find result ahk_class #32770")
    ; Found it undocked
    Open := 1
    ; Close it
; It's not open, so open it
if Open = 0
    SendInput {F7}

I hope this helps everyone else out there who loves Notepad++!

Edited to fix error in detection of undocked window.

Solution 4:

found the answer from this page

  • Press F7 to focus OR Open the window that's offscreen
  • Press "Alt & Space" you will get options to move

In my case I close that window, & when I search doc again it showed in right corner, then I docked it back !

Solution 5:

Set View always on top, then go full screen. Press Ctrl+F and do a search. Search window should appear at some screen corner. Drag it up and make it larger. Turn off full screen (F11). To reattach the find window in main double click the find window title bar.