How to create a time lapse video from a bunch of photos?

How to create a time lapse video similar to this one with OSX:

I have all the photos I just need some help creating it? Any ideas?

You have a Mac? Well, it should have come with iMovie, which is part of the iLife package. using iMovie, you can simply drag and drop the images from the folder they are in, onto the editing time line. Space them out according to how fast you want them to display, drag and drop a song onto the audio portion of the time line, and export it as a movie. iMovie'11

On any platform, including OSX, use the image toolkit that comes with ImageMagick to convert a series of images to a video with this command:

convert *.jpg myvideo.mpeg

The images should have a unique numeric sequence number for a prefix, either the time of the image or simply _001 etc. (like cap_001.jpg, cap_002.jpg etc)

ImageMagick just relies on ffmpeg being installed. You can call that directly something like this:

/path/to/ffmpeg -y -pattern_type glob -i '/path/to/jpegs/*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -crf 24 -s 1280x720 /path/to/destination/video.mpeg

I'm not sure how well that actually works on macOS, but it worked on our linux web server. convert is a good shortcut for it, though.

I had a case where I had about 2500 pictures from a webcam I wanted to videoify. Both iMovie and the convert Script from ImageMagick couldn't handle the amount from file. There is a neat little program called "Time Lapse Assembler" which did the trick. Beware: If you install, it tries to install some Yahoo-crap aswell