How to pass values from one page to another in jQuery

I have two pages of jQuery, Page1 and Page2, and I'm able to get input in Page1.

The somval=1000$.

The page 1 user enters the somevalue. I have stored the value:

var val = somval;

Now in the second page, I need to get the result of somvalue in page 1. Of course two pages using My1.js My2.js respectively.

How do I share the values from one jQuery file to other JavaScript or how do I get the value from page1 value, to page2?

How do I tackle this?

Solution 1:

You can redirect the user to the next page with the data in a query string, then in the second page you can parse the URL.

To redirect the user you can do this:

window.location = 'page2.html?somval=' + somval;

Then in the second page you can use a function to parse the URL query string:

var qsParm = new Array();
function qs() {
    var query =;
    var parms = query.split('&');
    for (var i=0; i < parms.length; i++) {
        var pos = parms[i].indexOf('=');
        if (pos > 0) {
            var key = parms[i].substring(0, pos);
            var val = parms[i].substring(pos + 1);
            qsParm[key] = val;

This code was borrowed from here, although there are many ways to do it.

You mentioned jQuery, but correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think it can do this.

Solution 2:

You could set the data in a cookie, has functions for reading and writing cookies.