Is there a Fortran compiler/emulator for iOS?

Solution 1:

It can be accomplished using the Dragonegg plugin for GCC (frontend), a generic LLVM installation (backend), and the Apple linker. I have been able to successfully build and run a 64-bit Fortran application on iOS 8.1 built on Mac OS X 10.10 using GCC 4.8 and LLVM 3.5. The process is not very straightforward and requires a number of hacks and some scripting, but the high-level steps are:

  1. Install GCC 4.8 from HPC for Mac OS X into /usr/local
  2. Install Clang/LLVM 3.5 from into /usr/local
  3. Download the Dragonegg source code from the LLVM website
  4. Build and install it to /usr/local/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin12.5.0/4.8.1/plugin
  5. Download GCC 4.8.1 sources
  6. Build libgfortran for arm64 using a combination of Apple clang for C/C++, Dragonegg for Fortran, and some wrapper scripts to piece together the compilers
  7. Install libgfortran.dylib and libgfortran.3.dylib to /Applications/
  8. Install libgfortran.3.dylib on the iPhone under /usr/local/lib

Now if you got this far, compile a Fortran source file into an iOS binary using:

  1. gfortran -O3 -fplugin=dragonegg -fplugin-arg-dragonegg-llvm-codegen-optimize=3 -fplugin-arg-dragonegg-emit-ir -S -o main.s main.f
  2. llc -mtriple arm64-apple-darwin -filetype=obj -o main.o main.s
  3. ld -arch arm64 -syslibroot /Applications/ -lSystem -lgfortran main.o -o main

Precompiled binaries for Dragonegg and libgfortran can be found here:

UPDATE: The precompiled binaries archive now contains fat libraries (armv7s, arm64) and some bug fixes to the wrapper scripts.

Solution 2:

Perhaps it's best done with a pre-compiler translating Fortran to C (and integrate that into Xcode as a separate build step). One such tool is e.g.

Maybe one can also have a look at the gnu fortran compiler, as far as I remember it also started out as a precompiler translating Fortran to C.