What are the Pros and cons of GIMP? [closed]

I've been using Photoshop to retouch photos on windows and would like to try Ubuntu. That's why I'm wondering if I switch to Gimp what features will I lose or gain.

Solution 1:


  • Less buttons than photoshop


  • Less buttons than photoshop
  • Free

If you're used to photoshop, or some kind of professional GIMP probably isn't enough for you. If not, you'll probably be perfectly happy with GIMP

Solution 2:

I'm wondering if I switch to Gimp what features will I lose or gain.

Try it. Find out.

Answers here wont really tell you what you'll miss, because only you can know that.

Potentially, answers could tell you of new features you'll gain, but if you already have PS then - other than the glow of using GNU Free Software rather than proprietary Adobe software - I'm not sure GIMP has anything to offer feature-wise.

And don't forget that you don't necessary need to switch, as dual-booting and/or virtualisation are potentially both options that allow you to primarily use Ubuntu but still use Photoshop.

Solution 3:

First of all Gimp is much cheaper than Photoshop;-)

The user interface is another thing:
GIMP's GUI, well I think you either love it or you hate it...
The Photoshop GUI on the other hand has set the standard for most other image editing software.

And finally GIMP has no CMYK support.