What are the risks having visited a counterfeit or phishing web page on iOS?

I received from a regular colleague a sharing e-mail in iOS Outlook, and clicked the link. It opened a web page asking for my credentials, which I did not enter because I recognized the page as counterfeit.

  1. Is there any way to tell whether simply visiting the page resulted in a drive-by injection?
  2. Is there anything I should do to ensure my device is as clean as it was before clicking the link?
  3. Is there a reason to uninstall and reinstall Outlook on the phone?

Technical Details

  • iOS 14.0.1 ;
  • Microsoft Outlook for iOS 4.57.2 ;
  • iPhone Xs Max

Solution 1:

It's very unlikely that you were infected with anything or that anything negative happened overall if you did not enter your credentials. My reasoning for this is as follows:

  1. It asked for your credentials, which indicates the goal was phishing not infecting your devices
  2. Drive-by infections are not impossible, but they're also not easy. Unless you're a high profile target it's unlikely you would ever interact with one.

I don't believe there is any reason to be concerned based on how you described this.