Error when trying to change the time zone in Windows: "Unable to continue. You do not have permission to perform this task."

It appears that installing Windows 8 on top of XP doesn't give you the option to choose the locale and other settings -- I've got the right keyboard layout restored, and can change the system locale to be for the UK, but the system doesn't let me now change the time zone -- choosing the option to try to do it in the control panel, gives me the following error:

Date and Time

Unable to continue

You do not have permission to perform this task. Please contact your computer administrator for help.


Solution 1:

Looks like for whatever reason my installation didn't grant anyone, nor any group the privilege to change the time zone. I had to:

  1. Go to the desktop
  2. Open the charms bar (Win+c, float mouse to bottom right or swipe from the right)
  3. Choose Control Panel
  4. Switch to icon view
  5. Go to Administrative Tools folder
  6. Run Local Security Policy
  7. Expand the Local Policies section and click on User Rights Assignment
  8. Double click on Change the time zone permission
  9. Add local Administrators group.
  10. Reboot
  11. Change timezone in the normal fashion

(In later versions of Windows, you can simply open the Start menu and type Local Security Policy to skip to Step 6.)

Solution 2:

The following did not work for me: * Add Users group to Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Change the time zone.

After the reboot, i still could not change the timezone. I solved it by using Powershell instead. This is how i solved it on a Windows 2012 R2 server:

  1. Downloaded Powershell version 5.1 and installed it on the server.
  2. Rebooted server.
  3. Open Powershell with "Run as an administrator"
  4. Run command:

Set-TimeZone "W. Europe Standard Time"

Solution 3:

It makes no sense to me but the following config fixed the problem on my Win10 laptop which was upgraded from Win7 or Win8 (forget which). My login account was already in local Administrators group which was already granted the same config:

  • Add Users group to Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment > Change the time zone.

Refer to Date and Time – Unable to Continue on Problem Solved answer site for detailed step by step instructions.

Solution 4:

To change the time zone currently being used please follow these steps:

1.From the Start page click on “Settings” and then click on “More PC Settings”:

2.Next go to “General” and select the new time zone from the drop-down list.