TypeScript typings give me "index.d.ts is not a module"

webrtc is part of the browser; you're trying to import a module. Simply import the (typings) library:

import "webrtc";

you may need to use "moduleResolution": "node" in the compiler options.

Alternatively use the "types": ["webrtc"] compiler option and the compiler will automatically load those types up for you.

You probably want to add

"types": ["webrtc"]

to your tsconfig.json, or less preferrably, to use

/// <reference types="webrtc" />

in your source files. Here's an example of it in your tsconfig.json:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "es5",
        "sourceMap": true,
        "noImplicitAny": true,

        "types": ["webrtc"]
    "exclude": [

This tells TypeScript it should include webrtc declarations in your build

Another option is to add a new declaration file *.d.ts in your module, i.e.:

declare module 'my-module';

No need to import anything, run following:

  1. npm install --save @types/webrtc
  2. update tsconfig.json -

    "types": [ "@types/webrtc" ]

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