Storing whatsapp message data in iCloud to free up space on phone?

Ive got an iPhone 64gb running iOS 14

The storage is almost full and i noticed that Whatsapp is taking up almost 15gb. Most of this is photos / video from group chats etc.

I dont want to loose the photos and videos, but at the same time i dont want to store them locally on my phone, is there a way i can store them in iCloud ? Ideally i dont want to store the photos / videos to my camera roll, but would like to just unload some of the whatsapp data to the cloud.

What i think the best solution is: Go to Whatsapp -> Settings -> Chats. Enable Save to camera roll. From now, all your incoming photos and videos will be saved automatically into your Photo app. The name of the album with the saved photos and videos is called WhatsApp. But the incoming photos and videos are also saved locally in the WhatsaApp app.

So now you should enable iCloud Photos in Settings -> Your Name -> iCloud -> Photos. All your photo albums will be backupped in the iCloud. It is not possible to backup one specific album.

After the iCloud backup, the photos and videos are still saved locally on your phone in your WhatsApp app. To delete this, go to WhatsApp -> Settings -> Data and storage usage -> Storage usage and choose a chat. From here you are able to delete the media which is stored locally in the WhatsApp app.