My Folders Become Hidden System Files And Access Denied?

I have an external hard disk , just connected to another system and when i connected to my own computer one of my folders which contain photos become hidden system files AND all folders in it rename to same name !?!? and my access is denied ( Screenshot )

enter image description here

I tried to change ownership but i can't

Any solution !?

There is a good chance the external drive is infected with malware that spreads using the AutoRun / AutoPlay functionality in Windows. Unfortunately there is usually a financial motive behind such malware - it can encrypt files on your system and then show you a message demanding payment for the restoration of your data - almost like a digital version of kidnapping. If your data is encrypted and you don't have a backup, the news is not good. If the malware is less sophisticated and all it has done is rename and change rights, there is still a chance of recovery, but you are going to need to find a VERY technically skilled (and patient) friend or company to assist you in recovering your data. You aren't going to learn these skills overnight if you don't already possess them.

The best option would be to entirely erase and reformat both your computer and your external drive, and restore from a clean backup. If you don't have a clean backup, you have probably lost your data permanently, I'm sorry to say.

It sounds like a result of malware.

To restore the files and folders on the external hard drive so that they are visible and accessible, open an elevated command prompt (type cmd into the search field on the Start Menu, press Ctrl+ShiftEnter and confirm the request).

Then type:

attrib -h -r -s /s /d X:\*.*

Note: Change X to be the drive letter of the external hard drive

The malware would have to be addressed with a program like MalwareBytes or Avast and check all drives on your system.

I see that you may be trying a recovery via Linux, but I figured a Windows option wouldn't hurt in the event someone else has something similar.