Invalid redeclaration on CoreData classes
I am working with CoreData, on an entity called "RoleName".
The problem is: I click on "Create NSManagedObject subclass" from within my model, and so it automatically creates the classes for my entity.
However, on the declaration of the class, I get this error:
Invalid redeclaration of "RoleName"
even though I don't have any other class with the same name.
Solution 1:
This is because Xcode handles all that by itself. I felt it like a bit of trouble as the auto generated classes don't have all my properties.
So follow these steps to get this as it used to be:
- Delete what ever classes you already made for core data.
Set class.Module as Current Product module
Set Class.codegen as Manual/None
Now select your entity and create NSmanagedobject subclass
You are all set
Solution 2:
From Apple : Whats new in Core Data
Xcode automatic subclass generation
Xcode now supports automatic generation of NSManagedObject subclasses in the modeling tool. In the entity inspector:
Manual/None is the default, and previous behavior; in this case you should implement your own subclass or use NSManagedObject. Category/Extension generates a class extension in a file named like ClassName+CoreDataGeneratedProperties. You need to declare/implement the main class (if in Obj-C, via a header the extension can import named ClassName.h). Class Definition generates subclass files named like ClassName+CoreDataClass as well as the files generated for Category/Extension.
The generated files are placed in DerivedData and rebuilt on the first build after the model is saved. They are also indexed by Xcode, so command-clicking on references and fast-opening by filename works.
You don't need to manually create subclasses for NSManagedObjects
I would suggest that you delete the files that you created with NSManagedObjects
(Move them to Trash) and go to every entity in the DataModel Inspector under Codegen
select : Manual / None
and create than the Subclasses.