NOT LIKE and LIKE not returning opposite result

Does this return the correct result ?

Select * from tbl1 WHERE COALESCE([TextCol],'-1') NOT LIKE '%TAX%'

I believe NULL values are the issue here, if the column contains them, then NULL NOT LIKE '%TAX%' will return UNKNOWN/NULL and therefore won't be selected.

I advise you to read about handling with NULL values , or here.

As @ughai suggested, if performance is an issue you can also use:

  Select * from tbl1 
  WHERE [TextCol] NOT LIKE '%TAX%'
     OR [TextCol] IS NULL

(A) SQL comparison operators result in three possible values: True, False and Unknown. If one or both operands are NULL then the result is Unknown. Consider the following example where we compare some values (a person's age) with a constant (18):

21   >= 18 -- True
15   >= 18 -- False
NULL >= 18 -- Unknown

As you can see, the database can/will not decide if NULL is greater than/equal to 18.

(B) The database will only return rows where the WHERE clause evaluates to True. Inverting the expression (e.g. WHERE age >= 18 changed to WHERE age < 18) does not affect Unknown results.

You can use the IS [NOT] NULL to match NULL values. The following query will select the rows where the column does not match the pattern OR the column is NULL:


Functions such as ISNULL and COALESCE can be used to transform NULL into some value.