How to count pages in multiple PDF files?

I just received a pdf textbook comprised of some 20 separate pdfs (by chapter) with quasi-regular names. Is there a way for counting the pages in th book w/o openning each file (or going through the properties)?

[solution can be for Windows or Ubuntu]

Using pdfinfo this is the best I could come up with: To print the number of pages per file:

for i in *.pdf; do echo $i && pdfinfo "$i" | grep "^Pages:"; done

To print the sum of all pages in all files:

for i in *.pdf; do pdfinfo "$i" | grep "^Pages:"; done | awk '{s+=$2} END {print s}'

On Ubuntu, pdfinfo is contained in the package poppler-utils. To install it, use:

sudo apt-get install poppler-utils

On Windows, you can use cygwin. pdfinfo is contained in the package poppler.

I know its too late but I just found a way better and simpler solution for this.

Download and install from sourceforge "pdf split and merge"

Drop all your files on it, and in the screen it generates a spreadsheet-like report on the number of pages and info of each.

Select that, copy, paste into excel or opencalc, you got it.

I made an application just for this, Its written in Java so works on all os's. Check it out here:

Its best to run the application from terminal (java -jar) to ensure it will work properly.

Put the jar file in the directory you want to get the page count of all the pdfs in. It will cycle through subfolders aswell, no need to place all the pdfs where the jar file is as it will cycle through the subfolders where you place the jar file. Double click on the jar, it may take some time if there is alot of pdfs, it will eventually output a txt file in the same directory of the jar file, and it will have the page count within it.

In Adobe Acrobat Pro, go to file > create PDF > merge files into a single PDF. Then add files and select the files you want. Click combine, and see how many pages are in the final PDF.