What is the equivalent of Java static final fields in Kotlin?

Solution 1:

According Kotlin documentation this is equivalent:

class Hello {
    companion object {
        const val MAX_LEN = 20


fun main(srgs: Array<String>) {

Also this is static final property (field with getter):

class Hello {
    companion object {
        @JvmStatic val MAX_LEN = 20

And finally this is static final field:

class Hello {
    companion object {
        @JvmField val MAX_LEN = 20

Solution 2:

if you have an implementation in Hello, use companion object inside a class

class Hello {
  companion object {
    val MAX_LEN = 1 + 1


if Hello is a pure singleton object

object Hello {
  val MAX_LEN = 1 + 1

if the properties are compile-time constants, add a const keyword

object Hello {
  const val MAX_LEN = 20

if you want to use it in Java, add @JvmStatic annotation

object Hello {
  @JvmStatic val MAX_LEN = 20

Solution 3:

For me

object Hello {
   const val MAX_LEN = 20

was to much boilerplate. I simple put the static final fields above my class like this

private val MIN_LENGTH = 10 // <-- The `private` scopes this variable to this file. Any class in the file has access to it.

class MyService{