How do I bulk rename albums in iTunes?

Solution 1:

I recommend Doug's Applescripts for iTunes as a great resource to keep in mind for any future questions you might have. From it I found the script that applies sed to the track names. Once you follow the instructions to install the script, put the following code in the popup box:

s/\([:alpha:]\)+ \([:digit:]+\) \([:digit:]+\)/\3 \1 \2/ 

N.B. This is actually the first time I've used sed, so I recommend testing this out on a few individual songs first.

(Also, if you don't have any programming experience, then it's likely that the Regular Expression above looked downright arcane. Don't worry! That's totally normal.)

Solution 2:

You should check out Doug's Applescripts for iTunes. He's written a collection of scripts that will do most everything.