What's the term to describe this kind of sentence?

What is the term to describe this kind of sentence:

I don't know why people like to study things that they don't like to study.

There's some kind of logic error with this statement, and it's meant as a joke. What's an appropriate term to describe this sentence? (I was thinking of things like irony, etc.)

Solution 1:

You could describe it as a paradox since it contradicts itself.

Or simply a contradiction, inconsistency, or incongruity.

Solution 2:

Ironic (happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this) would be a perfectly good word.

So would paradoxical (seemingly absurd or self-contradictory), if OP doesn't like irony.

Personally I'd use ironic if the primary reason for saying it is to raise a laugh, or paradoxical if you really do want to explore the contradiction and explain it in some way. But I think that's just me - most speakers probably wouldn't see any real difference.