How to upload sources to local Maven repository

This snippet automatically installs / deploys a source jar from any install / deploy:

        <version>[whatever version is current]</version>

Use this link to check for the current version of the maven-source-plugin

Or from command line:

mvn clean source:jar install

I have found a better answer, just add this on your pom.xml


And run from command line:

mvn install

Now maven install on your local repository jar and sources

Solution found on: (I'm not affiliated in any way)

One addition to the above answer:

It still wasn't working correctly for me. The sources.jar was generated and available in the target folder but not in the local repository. The reason for that was that I specified the phase differently: <phase>install</phase> In this case the maven install plugin is executed first and copies the jar files into the local repo. Afterwards the source.jar is generated (and thus not copied).

[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ foo ---
[INFO] Installing foo.jar into local repo
[INFO] Installing pom.xml into local repo
[INFO] Installing javadoc.jar into local repo
[INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.0.1:jar-no-fork (attach-sources) @ foo ---
[INFO] Building jar: foo-sources.jar

So it is important to specify an earlier phase than install (like it is correctly mentioned in the accepted answer).