Single word for copy paste errors [closed]

Is there a single word for copy paste errors? Just like "typo"

If you can stomach two words, I think a good wording is a replication error.

Otherwise, an uncommon word (used in scientific settings) is misreplication.

Well there is a slang expression I recently encountered for an instance of copying and pasting:


For which Wiktionary gives both that and a second meaning:

copypasta (countable and uncountable, plural copypastas)

  1. (Internet, slang) A block of text which has been copied and pasted from somewhere else.

  2. (Internet, slang) An error in a software application caused by the copy-and-paste of erroneous code.

If you wait long enough (or care to start a trend), the meanings will probably fuse to give you what you want.

Remember, you read it here first.